1. learningtower::countrycode
    Country iso3c and name mapping for PISA OECD countries participants.
  2. learningtower::school
    Subset of the School data available for the years 2000-2022 from the PISA OECD database
  3. learningtower::student_subset_2000
    Processed and Sampled PISA Student Data (2000-2022)
  4. learningtower::student_subset_2003
    Processed and Sampled PISA Student Data (2000-2022)
  5. learningtower::student_subset_2006
    Processed and Sampled PISA Student Data (2000-2022)
  6. learningtower::student_subset_2009
    Processed and Sampled PISA Student Data (2000-2022)
  7. learningtower::student_subset_2012
    Processed and Sampled PISA Student Data (2000-2022)
  8. learningtower::student_subset_2015
    Processed and Sampled PISA Student Data (2000-2022)
  9. learningtower::student_subset_2018
    Processed and Sampled PISA Student Data (2000-2022)
  10. learningtower::student_subset_2022
    Processed and Sampled PISA Student Data (2000-2022)